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Septic Aeration from Aero-Stream® Repairs Your Septic System

The Septic Aeration Technology

Septic aeration is found everywhere. Perhaps you have noticed the large lagoons or ponds at municipal wastewater treatment plants. These lagoons are actually the aerobic treatment portion of the wastewater treatment process. These lagoons contain millions of gallons of wastewater. Within the lagoons are aeration devices that dissolve oxygen into the wastewater to promote aerobic digestion. Aero-Stream has adapted this same technology using our septic aerator, but scaled down to fit into the standard septic tank (like the one in your yard) to facilitate restoration and repair to a failing system.

Septic Aeration Works to Restore a Failed Septic System

Septic Aeration Works to Restore a Failed Septic System. Our septic aerator is guaranteed to fix your failed septic system.

How Aero-Stream’s® Septic Aeration System Resolves Septic Problems

Through research and development, Aero-Stream® patented an easily installed septic aeration process that converts the anaerobic system to an aerobic or oxygen rich system. By introducing oxygen into the septic tank using our septic aerator, aerobic bacteria thrive and consume 20-30 times more organic material than anaerobic bacteria.

The aerobic bacteria dramatically reduce the amount of nutrients in the septic tank effluent (discharged black water) that the biomat requires to live and grow. As a result, the biomat begins to die. The biomat is further reduced in size by aerobic bacteria that leave the septic tank (along with water containing high levels of dissolved oxygen) and feed upon it.

Faced with starvation and hungry aerobic bacteria, the biomat shrinks in size until it completely disappears. The ground and sidewalls of the drainfield return to a permeable state and the aerobic septic system now functions as if it was just installed.

In most cases, the symptoms of septic problems and failure are eliminated after the septic aeration system is installed and the septic system is restored to working condition in a matter of weeks.

No excavation or landscaping repairs are required!

Will the Aero-Stream® Remediation System Fix Your Septic Problems?

The Aero-Stream® Remediation System has been installed in virtually every septic system configuration and distribution component, including drainfields, trenches and chambers, gravel and pipe fields, dry wells, seepage pits, mounds and sand filters, cesspools and lagoons to resolve septic problems. The Aero-Stream® Septic Remediation System does not modify soil structure, however, it can optimize your system performance in all soil types — even those with high clay content.

University Studies Agree, Septic Aeration Works!

University studies have proven that an anaerobic septic system converted to an aerobic system will produce an effluent that cannot support a biomat.

purdue-aerobic-studyPurdue University Study Reports adding an aerobic treatment device has been found to restore the original functioning of the soil absorption system (drainfield) in a matter of months. Purdue University Study DOC HENV-14-W

balyor-aerobic-septicIn 2009, Baylor University conducted a research study on converting conventional septic systems to aerobic systems. After 9 months of operating as an aerobic system, the systems were discharging effluent clean enough to surface discharge. The percent reductions in key parameters were as follows.

– BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand) by 87%.- TSS (total suspended solids) by 96%.- Fecal coliform by 98%.- E. coli by 98%. Baylor University Study

Begin Seeing Results Immediately with the Aero-Stream® Remediation System

Immediately after the Aero-Stream® Remediation System is installed, the restoration process begins. Solids inside the septic tank are broken down and highly oxygenated water begins restoring your drainfield.

The Aero-Stream® Remediation System has saved homeowners millions of dollars from needing a full septic system replacement and tank pumping costs.

Septic System Facts

A new septic system costs tens of thousands of dollars.

A system can be abused by contaminants such as paint, paint thinners, bleach, anti-bacterial products, and non-organic trash, such as wrappers and cigarette butts.

There are no septic treatment additives or bacterial solutions on the market that have been proven effective in restoring or maintaining your septic system or resolve septic problems.

The expected life of a septic system is based on many factors, such as soil conditions, daily hydraulic loading, and the types of household chemicals used.

When should the Aero-Stream® System be used?

We strongly recommend an Aero-Stream® Remediation System be installed in all residential septic systems as preventative maintenance but should definitely be installed if the septic system shows signs of septic problems such as:

  • toilets that are slow to flush
  • sewage backing up in drains
  • foul smelling liquid above the septic system
  • backflow from the septic field during pumping

Aero-Stream® Remediation Systems Are Easily Installed

Easily installed, the Aero-Stream® Remediation System is designed to fit any existing septic system to restore and maintain optimum performance without the hassles, damage and high costs associated with other solutions.As a UL Listed product, the Aero-Stream® Remediation System meets stringent National Electric Code (NEC) requirements as a permanent outdoor appliance.

Ready to convert your septic system to an efficient aerobic environment? Install an Aero-Stream remediation system and we Guarantee to fix your failing system or get your money back!

Septic Aeration FAQs

The cost of an aeration system for your septic system can range from just under $1,000 up to $2,100. Beware of companies selling air pumps and diffusers for cheap. These systems will do more damage to your system making your situation worse.
Our aeration systems are designed to efficiently treat the wastewater and allow the solids to settle to the bottom of the tank. Below is a aeration septic system diagram.
The only maintenance required for a aeration septic system is regular pumping, every three to five years as you should be doing with your conventional anaerobic system. The aeration pump will need refurbishing in three to five years. We offer a factory refurbishing program to keep your aerator in top notch condition!

Our aeration systems are designed for long life and will operate problem free for a long time. in the event you have problems with your aerated septic system feel free to call us at 877-254-7093 for a free consultation and technical support.

The aeration pump for your septic system is only one of the key components to the system. You will need a diffuser designed specifically for septic aeration. You will also need a Bio-Brush to ensure the effluent flowing to the drainfield is very clean.

The tank requirements for a septic aeration system are broad. Nearly any tank configuration, size, and depth can be used. Call our free tech support line at 877-254-7093 to determine if you need any specialized components for your system.

Some states allow tank effluent to be sprinkled onto the lawn. The only effective way to accomplish disinfection is to have an aerated septic system upstream of the disinfection devise.
If your aerated septic system has smell being emitted from it it needs some attention! If the system is converted to aerobic using our septic aerator, the system should have an earthy, musty smell. Odor can be caused by hydraulic overloading, organic overloading, or dumping chemicals down the drain that shouldn’t be. Regardless of the cause, call our technical experts to get your problem resolved at 877-254-7093!
Aero-Stream offers a battery powered septic system alarm. The alarm will alert you any time the aeration pump is not producing air. This can happen if the circuit breaker is tripped, someone inadvertently unplugged the unit, or if the unit needs servicing.
Septic aeration is more complex than adding a bubbler in a septic tank. Over the past 20 years we have perfected and patented our process. We use controlled aeration performed by our patented Aero-Tube diffuser. We convert a standard septic tank system from no oxygen (anaerobic) to an oxygen rich (aerobic) environment. Our process provides correct aeration ensuring the efficiency of oxygen transfer is extreme, proper circulation, solids maceration and most importantly the settling of bio-solids.
Sewage aeration technology has been used for over 100 years. Waste water Treatment plants designed for Municipalities have used septic aeration for a long time. Since the 1960’s the process has been applied to home sewage treatment systems called an ATU (aerobic treatment unit). These aeration systems require several tanks and complicated structures to treat the waste water. Our patented and simple controlled septic aeration process in 2003 to transform an existing traditional septic tank to the aerobic atmosphere using our process. Six US and International patents have been awarded to us with additional patents pending. When it comes to septic aeration, we are the leaders of this technology.
Most property owners depend on contractors locally to repair and service septic systems. The industry is huge. Home owners across the US spend multiple each year replacing their septic systems. The septic system replacement industry loses $1,000,000,000’s if septic aeration systems are installed instead of digging the yards of homeowners and installing a new septic system. The average cost for a new system is $15,000. It is a conflict of interest for contractors to introduce our septic aeration systems. They would rather collect the $15,000.
Our Aero-Stream septic system aeration adds a specific volume of oxygen to the septic tank and system to allow aerobic bacterium to flourish. The effective aerobic bacteria turn around the natural maturing method of the drainfield returning full system functionality in weeks. During the previous 20 years we have proven that septic system aeration works exceptionally well when done correctly.
The Aero-Stream septic system aerator has exceptional performance, is considerably simpler to install, needs significantly fewer maintenance hours and is more easily accessible to homeowners. Six patents protect our process and products. Some illicit companies have concocted pond aeration parts together and sell it as septic system aerator. We’ve confirmed these copy-cat manufactured goods and their buyers have confirmed our discovery … they damage your system and do no good. We have put these companies on patent infringement notice. Our other opponents are the companies that add chemicals. These companies claim that simply pouring the invention in the toilet performs miracles. These “hope and flush” products are a farse. These chemicals simply do nil for the treatment method and have been exposed by third party scientific studies.

Adding “waste absorbing” chemicals haven’t been independently substantiated to fix the utility of a septic system. Not surprisingly, independent studies discovered that additives don’t work. In many situations, the addition of particular additives are damaging to the septic system.

If your septic system aerator is functioning correctly there’s no odor. During start-up, the aeration system there will be some septic odor for a brief period. The odor from the septic will disappear within 24-48 hours as the septic aeration system transforms the environment to the aerobic method. Hereafter this phase the septic odor will be gone.

Many variables affect the amount of time required to restore your septic system. Thus, it is challenging to give ascertain the quantity of time necessary to fix your septic system. Most systems react quickly, in a short 6-8 weeks. The septic system becomes show signs of improvement during this phase. We are just “getting the lowest hanging fruit” during this period. Full system restoration occurs over time. Complete restoration can occur over 18 months. The objective is reestablish functionality rapidly and then achieve “extra capacity” in the short term future.

The Bio-Brush™, the airline, and Aero-Tube™ air diffuser are positioned in the septic tank. The patent protected Bio-Brush™ is included in all Aero-Stream septic system aerators. Our Bio-Brush™ increases the treatment performance by an extra 30% as assessed to systems devoid of it. You MUST HAVE our Bio-Brush™ component in a proper aeration system.

No detrimental consequence on the method is caused by warm temperatures. The septic aerator is cooled by a fan to withstand higher outdoor temperatures. Aero-Stream septic system aerators are operating across North America. We have installation everywhere from Canada and Alaska to Arizona. In Canada the temperatures get to -40 F where they have snow covering the ground in depths of feet all winter. There is no negative consequence on our septic system aerators in these extreme climates.
You’ll need a drill, 5/8″ bit for drilling, silicone caulk, and a garden shovel. You will also need an outdoor power outlet within about 20’ of the septic tank.
Gurgling sounds from the pipe is an indication that that they are not properly emptying. A pipe could be clogged downstream of the septic tank or before. To find out the location of the clog, remove the cover from the septic tank and ascertain if the tank level is above than the inlet or outlet baffle. If the tank level is not high, the clogged pipe is between the septic tank and the house. If the level of the tank is above the outlet baffle your bio-mat is mature and this issue requires remediation with the Aero-Stream septic system aerator.
If you follow the installation directions included with the septic system aerator, you will not contact the wastewater. You will notice the odor of septic present when the tank cover is removed from the tank.
If installing the septic aeration system within the septic tank, we suggest pumping the tank before installation to remove the settled solids and scum.
Tank pumping should not be more frequent than before putting in place the septic system aerator. Upon 30% accumulation solids in the septic tank of the tank volume it should be pumped.
The pumper is describing two separate issues. Surface water could be flowing into the system through the venting pipe if it is not extending at least 12″ above the surface. This will avoid surface water from flowing into the septic tank from the vent. The other problem he’s explaining is water drainage back into the septic tank from the drainfield. This occurs if the drainfield is waterlogged and can’t distribute the septic water as rapidly as the flow from the house to the septic tank. The cause of this is the development of a blocked bio-mat. Our septic system aerator will solve this issue.
Greater than 90% of septic failure is caused by a blocked bio mat. Request your pumper to ascertain if water is flowing back to the tank after pumping. Ask them to approximate the amount of effluent that flowed back from the drain field to the septic tank. If only a fairly small volume flow back, could indicate a clogged pipe in the middle of the field and the tank. If the amount is significant, it is likely that your bio mat is blocked. You don’t have a lot of risk in seeking the Aero-Stream septic aeration system solution!
Gurgling pipes, septic odors, ponding effluent on the grounds surface, drains that run slow, or drains that backups are signs of a failing septic system. Encountering back flow into the tank from the field after tank is pumping is also a sign of septic system failure. You may have one or many of these symptoms.
The Aero-Stream aerator will get rid of septic odor. Odor from your septic in your yard is a signal that effluent has climbed to the top or is very close to the top of the yard. You ought to walk around the yard in the location of the septic system. Look for green lush grass. If you discover zones like this the likely reason is the development of a blocked biomat. Indoor odors can be produced by incorrect venting of waste pipes or backed-up sewage in the traps of the drains.
The only way to accelerate the renovation process is decreasing the usage volume of water and the amount of cleaners put down the drains. You shouldn’t need to adjust your habits except if they are excessive! Easy changes such as spacing out laundry loads, in the refrigerator, keep a bottle of drinking water, turning off the water while brushing your teeth, etc. will reduce your water usage. Repairing leaking water fixtures will also save water.
Many people have divulged to us that their septic tank installer have informed them the single answer is to change the drainfield. This solution costs $1,000’s of dollars. While permitting for a new drainfield bed there is also the risk condemnation of the complete system and it all must be replaced. You may be forced to install an awfully expensive system such as a holding tank or mound system. This is not the situation. Call (877) 254-7093 or e-mail for a No Cost consultation!
The Aero-Stream septic system aeration will work with any system type such as mounds, trenches, sand filters, weeping beds, chambers, drywells, cesspools, conventional drain fields, seepage pits, gravel and pipe drain fields, and lagoons.